Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Love what you can do with those dimensionals! You can find all the different available dimensionals here. Remember, you can always join an ongoing party, by just clicking "join" when you either start your purchase or end your purchase.

Ask me, how easy it is to earn your own free product!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

More Studio J layouts and pictures

So, I only had an afternoon and I had to get these pictures on layouts and on a canvas somehow! I love Studio J, because I can get something done in a hurry! The first two layouts are really not layouts. They are our new freestyle pages for me to put the pictures on the page in whatever size I want them to be. I could actually have put them in a picmonkey layout and them downloaded them and print them through Studio J if I wanted to do that. But I need these pictures in some very specific sizes.

All Studio J layouts are printed on matte photo quality paper, much better than I would get anywhere else - unless I would go to a photo studio. Then I would pay a whole lot more than in Studio J. That is why we call it - Studio J! After convention, I will be able to post my layouts we will be making at convention with the photos from above - yes, convention will be fun again this year!

Summer Retirement List - act now!

This is the list right now of all the products that are on the list to be retired with the new idea book coming up next week for convention! Some items are already on low inventory - so you if you have some favorites, you may want to think about getting them now. You can start here.

The new idea book will not be available until August 1, that means all of our items now are available through July 31 as supplies are available if they are on this list!

If you want to be among the first to have the new products in your very hot little hands - sign up now - its only $49 to get started! Its as easy as clicking here.

Hello and thank you for stopping by!

This is my first attempt on a blog - can you tell? I am sure you can. From what I have learned about blogs they are like an online journal and you are getting a peak into my soul ...

At this time I am trying to learn how to post my artwork with watermark and copyright and all that jazz -but I a, learning. My plan is to post my work and along with it I will explain what I used and how I made the project.

As we go along, I will also give you a peak into my life. I will share some pictures of my family, places we have been, places we have visited. So, please come back and visit often. Just know, that I am very new to this blogging thing! So, at this time - any help you can give me is highly appreciated in growing my skills in "blogging".

If you live close to me and you would like to join me in my craft place or one my crops please, check my calendar for any upcoming workshops!

A scrapbooker's quilting bee!